Here are some of the best YouTube channels for learning League of Legends as a beginner:
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
- 949K subscribers
- Provides in-depth guides, champion builds, and strategies to improve at LoL
- Specialist guides for each role (top, jungle, mid, ADC, support)
- Focused on teaching players how to climb ranks and get better at the game[4]
ProGuides Challenger League of Legends Guides
- 925K subscribers
- Offers detailed tutorials, tips, and analysis to take your gameplay to the next level
- Gives strategies for each stage of the game, countering champions, and team comps
- Helpful for beginners up to seasoned players looking to improve[3]
- 494K subscribers
- Gameplay videos teaching new strategies and techniques
- Well-edited, easy to follow guides with regular new content
- Has something for players of all skill levels[3]
- 332K subscribers
- Popular Twitch streamer and LoL coach
- Entertaining streams with educational LoL gameplay
- Skilled player who provides excellent coaching for aspiring players[3]
EpicSkillshot – LoL VOD Library
- 554K subscribers
- Best source for LoL pro plays, full matches, highlights from around the world
- Authorized LCS VOD distributor since March 2021
- Tons of content including funny clips, epic plays, pro game coverage[3][4]
Some other great channels to check out:
- Phylol – Insightful ADC guides and tutorials[1]
- Redmercy – Champion spotlights, mechanical tricks, lore[1]
- Videogamedunkey – Entertaining game analysis and comedy[2]
- League of Legends Official – Newest champ/skin releases, music, concept art[2]
The key is finding channels that match your skill level and learning style. Watching a variety of guides, gameplays, and analysis will give you a well-rounded LoL education. Dedicating time to actively learning the game, on top of simply playing matches, is the best way to efficiently improve your League of Legends abilities.
Here is a beginner’s guide to learning and playing League of Legends:
League of Legends (LoL) is a complex multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. The objective is to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus, a structure at the heart of their base, by clearing at least one lane of defense towers first[6].
Learning the Basics
To start learning LoL as a complete beginner:
- Play the tutorial to understand the core gameplay[1].
- Watch beginner’s guides on YouTube to learn the fundamentals[1][5].
- Read guides that explain champions, abilities, items, objectives, etc.[2][3]
- Play vs AI games to practice the basics with less pressure[1].
- Limit yourself to learning 1-2 champions and a single role at first[1][5].
Key Concepts to Learn
- The different roles (top, jungle, mid, ADC, support) and how they function[5]
- How to last hit minions to earn gold and XP to get stronger[5][6]
- Trading with opponents and basic combat mechanics[5]
- Warding and vision control to track enemies[5][6]
- Itemization and what to build on your champion[1][6]
- Objectives like turrets, dragons, Baron, and when to prioritize them[5][6]
Improving and Advancing
- Use sites like OP.GG, Mobalytics, ProBuilds to study builds, matchups and stats[4]
- Watch your own replays to analyze your gameplay and identify mistakes[4]
- Get coaching or join communities to get advice and feedback[1][4]
- Focus on improving fundamentals like farming, map awareness, decision making[5]
- Set goals each game and reflect on your progress[5]
The best way to improve is simply playing a lot of games while actively trying to learn and get better. Take advantage of the many resources available, like champion guides, video tutorials, stat sites, and the LoL wiki. Most importantly, focus on learning step-by-step rather than trying to absorb everything at once. With practice and study, you’ll gradually master the many elements of League of Legends.
Certainly! I’ll expand on the topic of YouTube channels for learning League of Legends, providing more details and additional resources.
Educational Content Creators
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
This channel offers:
- Role-specific guides for all five positions
- In-depth analysis of pro player decision-making
- Patch update breakdowns and meta discussions
- Detailed explanations of advanced concepts like wave management and jungle pathing
ProGuides Challenger League of Legends Guides
Notable features include:
- Daily uploads covering various aspects of the game
- Tier lists for champions in different roles
- Coaching sessions with high-elo players
- Explanations of complex mechanics and macro strategies
Known for:
- Live coaching sessions with players of various ranks
- Brutally honest feedback and advice
- Focus on decision-making and game sense rather than just mechanics
- Regular content for multiple roles, especially top lane and jungle
Pro Player Channels
- Former professional ADC player
- Offers insights into high-level gameplay and decision-making
- Discusses current meta and professional play
- Considered one of the best LoL players of all time
- Streams gameplay on his channel, showcasing world-class mechanics
- Provides a glimpse into the mindset of a top-tier professional player
Role-Specific Channels
- Focused on jungle role
- Offers in-depth pathing guides and champion-specific tutorials
- Analyzes pro jungler gameplay and decision-making
xFSN Saber
- Specializes in ADC role
- Provides detailed coaching sessions and gameplay analysis
- Offers tips on positioning and teamfighting for ADC players
Additional Resources
League of Legends Official
- Provides champion spotlights for new and reworked champions
- Shares official announcements, cinematics, and music videos
- Broadcasts major tournaments and esports events
LoL Esports
- Offers full professional match VODs
- Provides analysis and highlights from pro play
- Great for understanding high-level strategies and team compositions
Improving Through YouTube Content
To make the most of these resources:
- Diversify your learning: Watch content from multiple creators to get different perspectives.
- Focus on your role: Prioritize channels that specialize in your preferred position.
- Apply what you learn: After watching a guide, try to implement the strategies in your games.
- Review your own gameplay: Record your matches and compare your play to the advice given in videos.
- Stay updated: Follow channels that discuss patch notes and meta changes to stay current with the game.
Remember, while YouTube is an excellent resource for learning League of Legends, it’s most effective when combined with actual gameplay experience. Use these channels to supplement your own practice and analysis of your games for the best results in improving your skills.
Here is an expanded beginner’s guide to learning and mastering League of Legends:
Understanding the Basics
Familiarize Yourself with the Champions
- League has a diverse roster of champions with unique abilities, playstyles and roles
- Experiment with different champions to find ones that suit your preferences and playstyle
- Learn their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, optimal builds and itemization paths[5]
Learn the Map and Objectives
- Understand the layout of Summoner’s Rift – the lanes, jungle, and key objectives
- Key objectives include turrets, inhibitors, dragons, Baron Nashor, and the enemy Nexus
- Learn the importance of vision control through wards and denying enemy vision[5]
Master the Mechanics
- Practice last-hitting minions to maximize gold income[5][6]
- Perfect your positioning and timing in trades and team fights[5]
- Learn advanced techniques like animation canceling, kiting and orb walking[5]
Improving Your Gameplay
Specialize in 1-2 Roles
- Focusing on mastering 1-2 roles (top, jungle, mid, ADC, support) accelerates improvement
- Roles should align with your strengths and preferences (e.g. high damage carry, strategic support, versatile jungler)
- Specializing allows you to refine role-specific skills, knowledge and decision-making[5]
Utilize Educational Resources
- Watch guides and gameplay from high-level streamers and YouTubers[1][4]
- Use stat sites like OP.GG, Mobalytics, ProBuilds to analyze builds, matchups, and trends[2][4]
- Read guides on sites like MOBAFire that explain champions, abilities, items, and more[3]
- Review your replays to identify and learn from your mistakes[4]
Communicate and Collaborate
- Develop communication skills to coordinate with teammates and convey information
- Work together to secure objectives, establish vision, and capitalize on opportunities[5]
- Maintain a positive attitude, be open to feedback, and focus on self-improvement
Deliberate and Focused Practice
- Set specific goals each session, whether it’s CS benchmarks, vision scores, or map plays
- Dedicate time to focused practice rather than autopilot games[5]
- Regularly review your progress and identify areas for further improvement[5]
Mastering the Game
Develop a Champion Pool
- Expand your champion pool to have 3-4 options for your main role
- Have 1-2 comfortable picks for your secondary role
- Stay up-to-date on the meta and practice new champions that emerge as priorities[5]
Refine Your Game Sense
- Track enemy cooldowns, ward placements, and jungle pathing to predict plays
- Learn power spikes and item breakpoints to capitalize on your strengths
- Master wave management to create pressure and open the map[5]
Shotcall and Lead Your Team
- Take initiative in the mid and late game to coordinate plays and pushes
- Communicate cooldowns, objectives, and reset timers
- Rally your team around a clear win condition and keep them focused[5]
Climbing the ranks in League of Legends requires time, dedication and deliberate practice. Stay focused on improvement, be open to learning, and most importantly, keep a positive attitude. With the right mindset, anyone can master the many intricacies of the game and carry their way to victory.
Here is a detailed breakdown of the key differences between the early, mid, and late game phases in League of Legends:
Early Game (First 15 Minutes)
- Laning phase where champions stay in their assigned lanes (top, mid, bot)[2]
- Focus is on last hitting minions to earn gold and gain XP to level up[1]
- Junglers look for opportunities to gank lanes for kills or assists
- Teams aim to take down the first tower in each lane for gold and map pressure[2]
- Dragons become a priority objective to secure buffs and eventual Dragon Soul[1]
Mid Game (15-30 Minutes)
- Begins when the first towers start falling in one or more lanes[2]
- Teammates start roaming and grouping to secure additional objectives like Rift Herald and more towers[2]
- Skirmishes and small-scale teamfights break out as teams contest vision and objectives
- Some champions hit their power spikes and look to make aggressive plays[2]
- Outer towers and even inhibitor towers can fall, opening up the map[1]
Late Game (30+ Minutes)
- Starts around 30 minutes or when most outer towers have fallen[2]
- Champions are reaching level 18 and completing their full build[3]
- Teams group as 5 to force large-scale teamfights around major objectives like Baron and Elder Dragon[2]
- Respawn timers become very long, so a lost teamfight can lead to game-ending pushes[1]
- The team that secures Baron or Elder often gains a massive advantage to close out the game
- Vision control and positioning before fights becomes critical[1]
The main differences between each phase relate to:
- Map openness and objective priority
- Champion power spikes and item completions
- Skirmishes vs. teamfights
- Death timers and game-ending potential
Understanding how the game evolves through these three phases is key to making the right macro decisions, like when to group, when to splitpush, and which objectives to prioritize. Recognizing your own champion’s power spikes and win conditions relative to the phase of the game will help you maximize your impact in carrying your team to victory.
Here is a breakdown of the key objectives to prioritize in each phase of a League of Legends game:
Early Game (First 15 Minutes)
- Securing CS and XP leads in lane through last hitting and denying the opponent[1]
- Trading favorably with the opponent when you have an advantage (level, item, minion wave)[1]
- Gaining vision control over key areas like river and enemy jungle entrances[1]
- Helping your jungler secure Scuttle Crabs for vision and movement speed
- Taking the first tower in lane for bonus gold and map pressure[1][3]
- Contesting early Dragons, especially Infernal and Mountain, if you have priority[3]
- Avoiding giving up unnecessary deaths and falling behind the opponent[2]
Mid Game (15-30 Minutes)
- Gaining control over the first towers and opening up the map[2][3]
- Securing Rift Herald to accelerate pushing and taking towers[3]
- Gaining vision control over the enemy jungle to enable picks and objectives[1]
- Forcing numbers advantages around the map through ganks and rotations[3]
- Securing additional Dragons, working towards Dragon Soul win condition[3]
- Taking down outer and even inhibitor towers if ahead to further map control[2]
- Avoiding throwing leads by overextending or taking disadvantageous fights[2]
Late Game (30+ Minutes)
- Securing vision control around Baron and setting up for advantageous fights[1]
- Forcing teamfights around major objectives like Baron, Elder Dragon, and inhibitors[2]
- Pushing side lanes to apply pressure when ahead or stalling out the game when behind
- Avoiding getting picked off before important objectives spawn[2]
- Closing out the game by taking the enemy Nexus after winning a major fight[2]
The main difference is the early game is focused on laning and small skirmishes, the mid game transitions to larger teamfights and objective control around the map, and the late game revolves around game-deciding fights using those major objectives. Maintaining vision control, gaining gold and XP advantages, and playing towards your team’s win conditions is key throughout all phases.
Based on the search results, here are the main strategies for securing first blood in the early game of League of Legends:
- Level 2 Bot Lane Press: Reaching level 2 before your opponents in the bot lane and immediately engaging for an all-in attack[1].
- Invade Strategies: Coordinating with your team to invade the enemy jungle at the start of the game, targeting their first buff or catching opponents off-guard[1][3].
- Lane Freeze Gank: Freezing the minion wave just outside your tower range to set up an easy gank from your jungler[1].
- Counter-Leash Trap: Catching enemies who are helping their jungler with the first buff[1].
- Red Buff Level 2 Gank: Completing red buff and immediately ganking an adjacent lane, particularly effective with champions like Jarvan, Graves, Twitch, Kindred, Lee Sin, and Xin Zhao[2].
- Top Lane Bush Ambush: Hiding in the top lane brush to catch the enemy top laner as they return from leashing[3].
- Bottom Lane Bush Ambush: Similar to the top lane strategy, but for bot lane with strong level 1 duos[3].
- Blue Side Cross: Using champions with engaging abilities to get over walls and surprise enemies from unexpected angles[3].
- Dragon Pit Hook: Using champions like Blitzcrank or Pyke to hook enemies over the dragon pit wall[3].
- Top Laner in Bot Lane Brush: Having the top laner wait in the bot lane brush to surprise enemies after they finish leashing[3].
- Level 2 All-in: Pushing the wave to reach level 2 first and immediately engaging on the still level 1 opponents[3].
These strategies often rely on surprise, coordination with teammates, and exploiting early power spikes or level advantages. It’s important to communicate with your team and choose strategies that fit your team composition and the enemy’s weaknesses.
Here are some key tips for choosing the right items for your champion in League of Legends:
- Understand your champion’s core stats and playstyle. Different champions benefit from different stats (AD, AP, attack speed, etc.) based on their abilities and role.
- Know your champion’s core/essential items. Most champions have 2-3 core items that synergize well with their kit and should be built in most games.
- Consider the enemy team composition. Build defensive items against their main damage threats (armor vs AD, magic resist vs AP).
- Adapt to the game state. If you’re ahead, you can build more aggressively. If behind, focus on defensive or utility items.
- Counter-build against specific enemy champions. For example, Grievous Wounds items against heavy healing comps.
- Think about your role in teamfights. Tanks need durability, carries need damage, supports need utility items.
- Pay attention to power spikes. Some items provide huge power spikes for certain champions when completed.
- Use recommended item builds as a starting point, but be flexible based on the specific game.
- Consider item synergies. Some items work particularly well together (e.g. crit items).
- Practice and experiment in normal games to learn what works best.
- Watch high-elo players of your champion to see what they build and why.
- Use resources like or to see common builds, but don’t follow them blindly.
The key is to understand why certain items are good on your champion and in certain situations, rather than just memorizing builds. With practice, you’ll develop better instincts for optimal itemization.
To determine the best item builds for your specific champion in League of Legends, consider the following:
- Understand your champion’s role and playstyle:
- Is your champion an ADC, mage, tank, assassin, etc.?
- Do they rely on abilities or auto-attacks?
- Are they meant for burst damage or sustained damage?
- Core items:
- Most champions have 2-3 core items that synergize well with their kit
- These should usually be built first for maximum impact
- Situational items:
- Adapt your build based on the enemy team composition
- Build defensive items if you’re behind or need survivability
- Build more aggressively if you’re ahead
- Consider power spikes:
- Some items provide huge power spikes for certain champions when completed
- Time your purchases to maximize these spikes
- Use reliable resources:
- Check sites like,, or mobalytics for current popular builds
- Look at high-elo player builds on
- Adapt to the game state:
- If you’re ahead, you can build more aggressively
- If behind, focus on defensive or utility items
- Counter-build:
- Build items that counter enemy strengths (e.g., Grievous Wounds vs. healing)
- Practice and experiment:
- Try different builds in normal games to see what works best for your playstyle
Remember, there’s rarely a “one-size-fits-all” build. The best players adapt their itemization based on the specific game situation. With practice, you’ll develop better instincts for optimal itemization on your champion.
Based on the search results, here are some interesting “secrets” and lesser-known tips for League of Legends:
- Nautilus’ hook (Q ability) has half the cooldown and mana cost when hitting walls, allowing for greater mobility and play flexibility[1].
- You can ward Thresh’s lantern to deny enemy escape[1].
- Teemo can use a blind-auto-standstill combo for surprise attacks[1].
- Slowing the minion wave by leading them into unwarded bushes can help with lane control[1].
- Annie can surprise stun by casting Q with 2 passive stacks and using E mid-air to get the 3rd stack[3].
- When playing Morgana support with Spellthief’s Edge, you can check if your Dark Binding hit by looking at the item’s stacks[3].
- You can use Morgana’s Tormented Shadow to check brushes by watching if Spellthief’s Edge procs[3].
- Placing an early pink ward in the Dragon or Baron pit often goes unnoticed at lower levels[3].
- For many champions, auto-attacking between ability casts (like Ryze’s Q) improves trade efficiency[3].
- Desynchronizing recalls with opposing laners can create opportunities to take objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald[2].
- Capitalizing on enemy mistakes, like their jungler showing on the opposite side of the map, can lead to securing objectives[2].
These tips showcase that there are many nuanced mechanics and strategies in League of Legends that aren’t immediately obvious. Mastering these “secrets” can give players an edge in various situations throughout the game.
Here are some of the most important things to know as a new player in League of Legends:
- Focus on learning one role and a small champion pool at first. Trying to learn too many different roles and champions at once can be overwhelming. Specialize in 1-2 roles and limit yourself to learning 2-3 champions in those roles to start[1].
- Last hitting minions is a core skill to master. Killing minions grants gold which allows you to buy items and get stronger. Practice getting the last hit on minions to secure the gold[3].
- Don’t fight without a numbers or item advantage, especially early. Fighting when outnumbered or when the enemy has an item lead is a common mistake. Only take fights you know you can win[1].
- Ward key areas of the map for vision and watch the minimap. Place wards in river, enemy jungle entrances, and objectives like Dragon/Baron to track the enemy. Constantly check your minimap to avoid ganks[3].
- Objectives are more important than kills. While kills give gold, objectives like towers, dragons, and Baron give your whole team gold and map control. Prioritize taking objectives over chasing kills[4].
- Know your champion’s power spikes. Champions are strongest at certain level and item breakpoints. For example, hitting level 2 first can give you a big advantage in lane. Learn your power spikes and look to fight then[2].
- Stick to the recommended item builds at first. Itemization in League is complex. As a new player, following the recommended item page for your champion is the simplest approach until you learn more[4].
- Communicate with pings and chat. Let your team know your plans, like when you’re going in for an attack or need assistance. Communicate objectives and missing enemies to work together[1].
The key is to focus on the fundamentals – farm well, avoid unnecessary deaths, prioritize objectives, and communicate with your team. As you gradually expand your champion pool and game knowledge, you’ll develop the instincts to make more advanced plays. But build on a foundation of mastering the basics first.
Based on the information provided in the search results, here are some of the most important mechanics for new League of Legends players to learn first:
- Last hitting minions: Mastering this core skill is crucial for earning gold and getting stronger throughout the game.
- Map awareness: Constantly checking the minimap to track enemy positions and avoid ganks.
- Warding: Placing wards in key areas like river and jungle entrances to gain vision control.
- Objective control: Prioritizing objectives like towers, dragons, and Baron over chasing kills.
- Champion abilities and power spikes: Understanding your champion’s abilities and when they are strongest.
- Basic itemization: Following recommended item builds until you learn more about situational itemization.
- Spacing: Learning to position just outside an enemy’s attack range and moving in and out to trade effectively.
- Clicking close to your champion: This allows for quicker reactions and better dodging of skillshots.
- Trading in lane: Understanding when to trade favorably with opponents based on minion waves and cooldowns.
- Basic wave management: Controlling minion waves to create advantages in lane.
- Communication: Using pings and chat to coordinate with teammates.
- Ability combos: Learning the basic ability combinations for your main champions.
These fundamental mechanics form the foundation for more advanced play. Focusing on mastering these basics will significantly improve a new player’s performance and understanding of the game.
Here are some key tips to improve your timing and positioning in League of Legends:
- Learn the level 2 powerspike timings. Hit level 2 first by killing the first wave and 3 melee minions of the second wave to gain an advantage in trades.
- Track enemy cooldowns, especially key abilities and summoner spells. Look to trade or engage when they are down.
- Plan your backs to coincide with item powerspikes and objective spawns. Don’t just recall randomly.
- Track the enemy jungler’s pathing to anticipate ganks. Ward key spots around 3:00 when most junglers look to gank.
- Maintain spacing outside the enemy’s threat range while inside your own effective range. Constantly move to make this hard to predict.
- When the enemy uses an ability, their threat range decreases temporarily. Punish this window of opportunity.
- Position parallel to or slightly behind your ADC as a support. Don’t stand too far back or you can’t pressure the lane.
- Avoid clumping with your ADC against supports with AOE CC like Leona or Alistar.
- Click close to your champion for precise movements to dodge skillshots.
- Alternate right-clicks on the enemy and move commands to kite effectively and stay at max range.
- Plan your positioning preemptively for key enemy abilities like Malphite ult or Blitzcrank hook. Predict and avoid rather than just reacting.
The key is to constantly adapt your positioning based on champion matchups, ability cooldowns, and minion waves. Actively thinking about these elements, rather than just autopiloting, will significantly improve your positioning and timing in lane. With practice, the fundamentals of spacing, trading stance, and cooldown tracking will become second nature.
Here are some key tips to improve your trading patterns in the early game of League of Legends:
- Understand your champion’s trading stance and power spikes. Know the range of your abilities and auto-attacks, and when you are strongest relative to your opponent (e.g., level 2 vs level 1, level 3 all-in, item spikes).
- Play around ability cooldowns. Look to trade when your opponent’s key abilities are on cooldown. For example, trade with Fizz when his E is down, or Syndra when her E is on cooldown.[2]
- Punish last-hitting. Most trading opportunities come from your opponent stepping up to last-hit minions. Recognize these timings and punish them with auto-attacks or abilities.[1]
- Manage the minion wave to your advantage. Build up a minion advantage to win trades, as your minions will deal extra damage to your opponent. Avoid extended trades if they have more minions than you.[1]
- Utilize short trades. As a melee champion, look for quick, short trades and back off before taking too much minion aggro. Avoid extended trades unless you have a numbers advantage.
- Space properly to avoid retaliation. Stand just outside your opponent’s threat range while keeping them in your own range. Constantly move to make your positioning harder to predict.[1]
- Adapt to the matchup. Preplan how you think the first few waves should go based on your champion’s strengths and weaknesses relative to your opponent’s. Play around your own and your opponent’s power spikes.[3]
- Punish ability usage on minions. If your opponent uses a key ability to farm (e.g., Ahri Q, Twisted Fate Q), you have a window to trade before their ability comes back up.[2]
- Weave in auto-attacks between abilities. Maximize your damage by landing auto-attacks in between your ability casts, especially if playing a melee champion.
- Track summoner spell and item timers. Factor in the enemy’s summoner spells (especially Flash and Teleport) and item spikes when looking for trades.
The key is understanding your own champion’s strengths and weaknesses and playing around your opponent’s cooldowns and power spikes. Actively thinking about the minion wave, ability usage, and item timings will significantly improve your trading patterns. With practice, recognizing good trading opportunities will become second nature.